Heritage At Risk; a Community Toolkit for removing buildings from the register
This page has been created as part of a research project, culminating in a Dissertation as part of a wider Msc in Building Conservation through York University/Weald and Downland Living Museum. On this page are various fact sheets which offer guidance for charities as well as individuals. There is one, over-arching document which provides a 16-step approach for anyone who has responsibility for a building on the Heritage At Risk (HAR) register. It outlines the requirements and procedures involved in conserving a building, which is a complex task. A series of fact sheets are provided which offer more detailed information regarding the most important steps.

The main case study which was used for the research paper is the Mint House at Pevensey, East Sussex, opposite the castle. This historic, timber-framed building was constructed around 1500 and is of high significance so was placed on the HAR register in 2022. The building can be visited on open days and events throughout the year but is not generally open to the public. Further information can be found on their Facebook page; Friends of the Mint House.